Bus Stops
Designated Stops
MTD operates on a system of designated stops, which means that all MTD bus trips begin and end only at specific stops. This system reduces confusion, boosts MTD's on-time performance, and improves safety for our passengers. To find your nearest designated stop, search here.
We ask that you board and alight MTD's buses only at designated stops. When catching a bus, simply stand near any bus stop sign, wait for your bus to arrive, and give the Operator a wave. When riding and requesting a stop near your destination, simply pull the yellow cord and the Operator will stop at the next safe and accessible designated stop so that you can alight.
In Fall 2020, MTD added new iStops and expanded route eligibility within the University District. iStops are special designated stops located on and near campus, as well as at The LINC, ONYX, Capstone Quarters, and Campus Circle. At iStops, to expedite boarding, it is unnecessary for anyone to pay a fare or show any sort of a pass or ID.
All routes at designated iStops are eligible for this enhanced boarding procedure. Newer iStops were added along White Street and at Research Park. This simplified and expanded approach to iStops eliminates confusion surrounding route eligibility, and improves access and efficiency at busy campus stops.

Real-time Info
Bus Stop Info
You'll never have to wonder if your bus is on time again. Our system uses global positioning satellites (GPS) to track every bus in our system, so you'll always know when to expect the next bus. Find your nearest stop with the Transit app.
How to use MTD's SMS Service
- In the "TO" field, enter the number 35890 (this number is the same no matter which stop you're at).
- Enter the SMS text code for your stop (e.g. Parkland's SMS code is mtd3534) in the area where you would normally type your text message.
- Send the text message.
- After a few seconds, you’ll receive a text message reply containing the incoming routes and their scheduled times of departure.
SMS Service Terms and Conditions
Where can I find the SMS text code for my stop?
To find your SMS text code online, simply use the Bus Stop Lookup tool. You will also find the number displayed on your bus stop sign and printed in the MTD Routes & Schedules book.
Will this work with my cell phone?
MTD's SMS Codes work with all major carriers. Chances are, if your cell phone is capable of sending and receiving text messages, you can use the service.
Privacy Policy
MTD logs your phone number and search query for the sole purpose of maintaining our own logs on the service. We will not share this information with any third parties or use it for any purpose other than logging. If you have an MTD account and would like to stop receiving reroute alerts, text STOP to 35890.
Does this service cost anything?
While the MTD will not charge you anything for this service, normal message and data rates may apply. Please contact your cell phone provider to verify your account packages.
Is this a subscription?
No. Each message you send will receive one reply with bus stop details (one message per query). For additional updates, you will need to resend your message.
Need help?
Send us an email at sms@mtd.org or text HELP to 35890.