MTD conducts training, certification, review, and retraining for bus, paratransit, and special service operators year-round. MTD participates in the Illinois Secretary of State's Third-Party Certification Program for Class A and Class B Commercial Drivers’ Licenses (CDL). In 2017, work began on MTD's CDL Training Center to provide adequate space to conduct all of the necessary training. Before completion of this project, MTD’s Safety and Training Department shared a busy Maintenance lot—the same area where all buses pull out of the garage each morning and are fueled every afternoon.

The CDL Training Center houses a 5,500 square foot facility to provide an on-site office, classroom, restroom, and vehicle storage. The majority of the site is paved to provide a driver training course as well as accommodation for bicycle training. The new CDL Training Center can accommodate all of the required maneuvers for training while ensuring a high level of safety.

This project was funded with State and local funds.

  • Safe/accessible location for MTD Safety & Training Department Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) training maneuvers
  • Bicycle safety classes
  • Exploring partnerships with other community organizations for training