
Service related planning documents.


Economic Impact of MTD

An independent study conducted by TischlerBise in 2015 to enumerate the economic impact of MTD on the Champaign-Urbana community.

Stop Placement Guidelines

MTD moved to a system-wide designated stops in Fall 2016. This document contains the parameters that guided our stop consolidation then and guides are stop placements now.

2014 Long Range Strategic Plan

Table of Contents

The table of contents for the Long Range Strategic Plan.

SWOT Analysis

A summary of management and staff interviews, overall findings, organizational culture, and a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) analysis.


An overview of national and local trends in public transportation and mobility affecting MTD's Strategic Plan.

Mission, Vision, and Goals

MTD's mission, vision, and goals that guide our services.

Development Scenarios

Strategic planning widens the lens beyond the rubber on the road. These scenarios provide a wider perspective on how transit activity in our area is impacted by economic development, land use, and social/cultural change.

Strategic Scenarios

Three possible scenarios for MTD’s future are presented within a strategic context to anticipate possible opportunities down the road.

Marketing Plan

As a compliment to the 2014 Strategic Plan, a long range marketing plan was developed.

Performance Measures/Recommendations

How can a goal be reached or evaluated without a way to measure progress? This document outlines possible performance measures for each strategic plan goal.


Appendices for other documents supporting the 2014 Strategic Plan.

2001 Long Range Strategic Plan

Executive Summary

A high-level summary to introduce MTD's 2001 Long Range Strategic Plan. They say the best teacher is past experience.

Stakeholder Interviews

As with our 2014 Plan, interviews with current and key stakeholders were conducted during our 2001 Plan.

Missions & Goals

The current mission statement & District goals we observe today were developed in these working sessions.

Strategic Policies

Potential strategic policies were researched and outlined to advance MTD's then newly-minted mission, vision, and goals.

Service & Capital Plan

Three possible scenarios for MTD’s future were presented within a strategic context to anticipate possible opportunities down the road.

Marketing Plan

As a compliment to the 2001 Strategic Plan, a long range marketing plan was developed.

Implementation Plan

How can a goal be reached or evaluated without a way to measure progress? This document outlines possible performance measures for each strategic plan goal.

Appendix A

Appendix A of MTD's 2001 Long Range Strategic Plan

Appendix B

Appendix B of MTD's 2001 Long Range Strategic Plan