Summer Service: Increased Frequencies Accompany Annual Reductions

Autumn Soliman

With the school year coming to a close, the Champaign-Urbana Mass Transit District (MTD) is gearing up for Summer service changes, but this year offers something new.  

MTD has successfully restored our workforce and is excited to announce another phase in service restoration. While University of Illinois (UI) breaks always come with service reductions corresponding to demand, this Summer our restoration efforts will also bring expanded frequencies to several routes. These changes will begin on Sunday, May 12, 2024 and represent a full restoration to MTD’s pre-pandemic service levels for the non-UI service calendar. When the Fall semester begins, MTD plans to introduce additional restorations to service in August. 

MTD’s Summer restorations will increase service frequencies to 30-minutes or less for the 1/100 Yellow, 2/20 Red, 7/70 Grey, 14 Navy, 50 Green, and 120 Teal. The 16 Pink and 180 Lime will have the A/B loops restored for more travel options. These Summer restorations will greatly increase service for many neighborhoods outside of campus and downtown. This phase of restoration further enhances preceding service recovery efforts initiated in December 2023 and January 2024.  

During UI Fall, Winter, and Spring breaks, as well as Summer Session I and II, MTD reduces service as MTD has agreements with UI to provide additional service when class is in session. The reductions include no Late Night service on the 50 Green, 100 Yellow, 120 Teal, 130 Silver, and 220 Illini, no Sunday Evening or Late Night, and no service on the Yellow Hopper or SafeRides Connect. In addition, the 22/220 Illini Limited and 130 Silver Limited operate on abbreviated routing at 20-minute frequencies, and 2 Red Express trips, designated with the L and U footnotes, do not operate. 

Customers are encouraged to plan a fresh trip for travel dates on or after May 12, 2024 in order to reflect service changes for our non-UI Summer schedule. To plan Summer travel in advance, please visit MTD’s Trip Planner. 

Annual Summer Reductions

(Non-UI Service)

Summer Restoration

(Impacts of Added Service)

All Routes

No Sunday Evening or Late Night service; Sunday service generally ends in the 6PM hour

1/100 Yellow

Average 30-minute frequency for Weekday Daytime and

Weekend service 

1 Yellow

Hoppers do not operate



50 Green
100 Yellow

120 Teal

130 Silver

220 Illini

No Late Night service

2/20 Red

Added service on 2 Red Express for Weekdays; 30-minute frequencies for 20 Red on Saturdays

2 Red Express

Trips designated with L and U footnotes do not operate

7/70 Grey

Average 30-minute frequency for Weekday Daytime and Saturday service

12 Teal

20-minute frequencies

14 Navy

Average 30-minute frequency for Weekday Daytime

13 Silver

20-minute frequencies

16 Pink A/B

Clockwise loop (16A) has been restored, making both A and B loops operational for Weekday Evening and Sunday service

22/220 Illini Limited

20-minute frequencies and abbreviated routing during all day types

20 Red

Average 30-minute frequency for Saturday Evening service

130 Silver Limited

20-minute frequencies and abbreviated routing during Evening and Weekend service

50 Green Hopper (Evening)

Average 15-minute frequency for Weekday Evening service

SafeRides Connect

Does not operate during Summer Break

180 Lime A/B

Clockwise loop (180A) has been restored, making both A and B loops operational for Weekday Evening and Sunday service


We are pleased to be on the path to full restoration and thank our customers for their ongoing patience and support while we continue to recover service levels. If you have questions, or need help planning a trip, please call us at 217.384.8188. We’re here to help!