Galen Drive, Devonshire, Southwood, Brookshire, and Savoy
Devonshire to Jefferson Middle School
9A Brown - Parkland
The trip starts at the corner of Fox & Devonshire at 7:20A, is due to arrive at Galen & Windsor at 7:25A; and Windsor & Winchester at 7:28A. Route continues to Jefferson Middle School via Winchester to Broadmoor to Crescent.
MTD will board and alight riders at designated stops. To find your closest designated stop, please call (217.384.8188).
- 9 Brown
Savoy to Jefferson Middle School
The trip starts at the The Place at 117 at 6:37A as a 1N Yellow and is due to arrive at Fox & Devonshire at 6:52A. At Fox & Devonshire, riders transfer to the 9A Brown which continues from Devonshire to Prospect to Broadmoor
to Galen to Windsor to Winchester to Broadmoor to Crescent to Jefferson Middle School.
MTD will board and alight at designated stops. To find your closest designated stop, please call (217.384.8188) or visit our website.
- 1 Yellow
- 9 Brown
9A Brown from Jefferson Middle School
9A Brown Devonshire Express
This trip begins boarding passengers at Jefferson Middle School between 2:35P and 2:45P before continuing to Edison Middle School. At 2:55P, the bus continues from Edison alighting riders along this route: Green to Prospect to Devonshire to Galen to Windsor to Winward to Sussex to Galen to Prospect to Park Lane to Lyndhurst to Burwash to Neil to Curtis to Paddock West to Paddock East to First as far as Ashton Woods.
MTD will board at alight passengers at designated stops. To find your closest designated stop, please call (217.384.8188) or visit our website.
- 9 Brown