2024 - 2025 Service Year
Maps & Schedules Book
Download a PDF copy of the complete 2024-2025 Maps & Schedules book here.

District Boundaries
MTD provides safe, reliable transportation to Champaign, Urbana, Savoy, & on the Illinois campus. We take pride in partnering throughout the District on mobility, accessibility, environmental, & community initiatives. This map shows MTD's current District boundaries.

iStop Zone
At iStops, to expedite boarding, it is unnecessary for anyone to pay a fare or show any sort of a pass or ID. All routes at designated iStops are eligible for this enhanced boarding procedure. This simplified and expanded approach to iStops eliminates confusion surrounding route eligibility, and improves access and efficiency at busy campus stops.

Universal Transfers
Universal Transfansfers are provided on weekdays, three times each day, at Illinois Terminal: 6:35 AM, 7:40 AM, and 11:11 PM. There is also a 7:40 AM guaranteed transfer at Lincoln Square. MTD guarantees that passengers will be able to make their transfer at these places at these times. All departing routes will hold until all passengers have completed their transfers.